Advertise in the Map!
The Chamber’s 2023 Map is going to print – get your ad today!
Originally published as the Heart of the Sound brochure and now known as The Map, our last print run of 10,000 visitor maps of Vashon flew off the rack.
You can view the 2022 map here.
This year The Map will be stocked in the racks on the Vashon-Fauntleroy WS Ferry run June – August, and year-round at real estate offices, merchants, and destinations throughout Vashon-Maury. All Chamber members are automatically included in the listings on The Map, and this valuable member benefit is one of the most asked-for publications on the Island.
The Map will be available in late April or early May, 2023. 10,000 copies will be printed and distributed throughout the year, and available digitally year-round at and
Advertising opportunities are limited. Contact the Chamber today to secure your space in this sought-after and well-used publication!
- Back of folded Map one-panel, full-color ad: $2,500 (sold out)
- Inside Map one-panel, full-color ad: $2,500 (sold out)
- Inside Map half-panel, full-color ad: $1,200 (one available)
- Inside Map quarter-panel, full-color ad: $600 (sold out)
- One-panel, full color ad: $1,000 (sold out)
- Half-panel, full color ad: $600 (sold out)
- Full-color logo, 2”x2”, placed in banner running along the bottom inside: $300 (sold out)
Specs available upon request. Camera-ready artwork and payment in full for ad due no later than April 1, 2023.
Email or call 206-463-6217 to learn more and reserve your space today!