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Islanders for Ferry Action


The Vashon Chamber of Commerce convened a working group in September, 2023, now called Islanders for Ferry Action (IFA). It's comprised of concerned business owners, parents, retirees, and other islanders dedicated to identifying and lobbying for solutions to chronic ferry service disruptions.

IFA recognizes that the causes of the service disruptions are deeply-rooted and have been a long time developing. We are committed to working together with policy makers and islanders not just on Vashon, but all ferry-served communities who want to participate to discover and implement creative, real-world solutions that will help Washington residents stay on the move.

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Islanders for Ferry Action has teamed up with communities across the Sound! The Fix Our Ferries citizen action movement has now grown to three communities that extend the length and breadth of the Washington State Ferries system, from the San Juan Islands to Vashon. Representative groups from the communities have signed a get-it-done letter to the Governor and the Legislature, pressing for immediate steps to relieve the years-long ferry crisis during the 2025 budget session. Visit to learn more!

What can I do?

It will take all of us working together to win short-term and long-term solutions. Click here to join our email list to receive relevant action and information updates. You will only receive emails specifically related to WSF organizing efforts.

Click here for our action sheet that includes contact information for legislators and agency decision-makers.

Click here to sign the petition! Add your name and help us demonstrate how many people in our community are affected by ferry disruptions.

Vashon residents: click here to take the IFA 2-boat survey. WSF is getting ready to write a new two-boat schedule, and Islanders for Ferry Action wants to know your priorities! The survey also includes questions about the water taxi.

Learn about the impacts of Initiative 2117 on Ferry funding. Click here for a quick ferry impact sheet, or click here to read more about impacts to our transportation infrastructure.

Stay up to date on the Fauntleroy dock renovation!

You can find general information, project models, environmental impacts and info, and timelines on the WSF project page.

You can also watch this two-minute WSF video to learn about the background and the challenges the replacement project aims to address and the next steps towards construction.

Read our November, 2023 Community Report,  which compiles input from over three-hundred Vashon residents and other ferry-served communities. The solutions-oriented report is a synthesis of thousands of community problem statements and solution suggestions. It outlines the real world impacts to several key constituency groups on Vashon; emergency services and public health, students and schools, small business owners, and frequent commuters.

Copy of IFAcover (Instagram Post)

Donate today to help make our top priorities possible. We are proud to work with VashonBePrepared as our fiscal agent.

  • Hold WSF to their state-funded commitment to revise and improve the 2-boat schedule.
  • Secure continued funding for midday King County water taxi. Advocate for expanded service, including late evening and weekend runs.
  • Advocate for Vashon during the planning of the upcoming Fauntleroy dock renovation.
  • Lead efforts to unite ferry-dependent and ferry-affected communities regionally.
  • Urge WSF to ensure Vashon is prioritized in all new crew and new vessel assignments.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with media, decision-makers, and policy makers at local, county, and state levels.
  • Continue educating and empowering the Vashon community.

Click here to read about victories in the 2024 WA legislative session for Vashon and our regional ferry-connected communities!

Funding highlights from the 2024 Transportation budget include:

· $3.17M to fund mid-day, weekday water taxi service from Vashon to Seattle starting July 1, 2024.
· Over $10 million to recruit, hire, and train new staff – from deck officers to engine room staff - to reduce cancellations and late sailings due to crew shortages.
· $169,000 to hire a planner/scheduler who can revise and improve the two-boat schedule.
· $100,000 to reimburse walk-on customers for emergency expenses when WSF cancels the last sailing of the day, and extension of the expiration date on multi use passes from 90 to 120 days.

Click here to read the Islanders for Ferry Action thank-you letter to the community.


Contact your elected leadership and agency representatives to support our priorities:

State Senator Joe Nguyen, 34th district: / (360) 786-7667

State Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, 34th district: / (360) 786-7952

State Representative Emily Alvarado, 34th district: / (360) 786-7978

State Senator Marko Liias, Chair, Senate Transportation Committee: / 360.786.7640

Governor Jay Inslee: / 360-902-4111

State Rep. Jake Fey, Chair, House Transportation Committee: / 360-786-7974

Steve Nevey, Asst. Secretary, Washington State Ferries:

Advocate for expanded water taxi service and Metro service through King County:

King County Executive Dow Constantine: / 206-263-9600

King County Council Member Teresa Mosqueda: / 206-477-1008

Change is possible. Proposed funding for recruitment, a change in tone from state leadership, and the temporary assignment of the Suquamish on the Triangle route prove that collective action is making headway. Contact your elected representatives today!



One of our top priorities is gathering stories to share that illustrate the variety of impacts ferry service disruptions create. It's not just long lines – it’s stranded kids, missed medical treatments, lost wages and revenue, missing important life events - the impacts are real, severe, and deeply affect our quality of life. Please consider sharing your story with us. We will use your words and experiences to better tell our stories in the media and to the legislators and policy makers who have the power to implement solutions. Click here to share your story.



Read the Seattle Times editorial calling on Governor Inslee to take action now.

Click here to read more articles in local and regional press about Islanders for Ferry Action and our advocacy.

Chamber of Commerce 2023 business survey results: learn more about how WSF service disruptions impact our economy.

Click here to read the WSF report and proposals for potential changes to the Fauntleroy dock.


Every great political movement needs a theme song - click play below to hear Chris Anderson's "Waiting for a Ferry." You can also download it here.